Thursday, September 18, 2008

Love (again)

Since trust leads to love, then logically speaking, that stuff we feel at the beginning of our relationships with those of the opposite sex must not be love. Because there has been no trust established yet.

Love is what happens over a long, long period of time... years and years and years, as trust is established. That emotional excitement and attraction at the beginning of a relationship is God's way of getting us into a position where we can learn what love is, and experience it. It is the initial catalyst, to motivate and prompt us into getting into a relationship so that we can eventually discover love. My grandparents, who were married for fifty plus years, and had learned to trust each other... THEY were in love!!

Stick that in your pipe and smoke on it.

The biggest deception in the world

That god is not love. And that being a Christian, or any other religion, for that matter, is about anything else other than love. Namely, MAKING YOUR LIFE WHAT WE THINK THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE, instead of falling in love.

One more why

Why is it that so much teaching from religious sources sounds good and right but lacks real power or oomph to change you or grab you? I believe it is because of this. It is focused on quality of life, rather than on love, which comes inside of a relationship.

I believe that most of the world is living for the wrong goal, which is quality of life. This is a very secondary goal. The first should be relationship, with God and with your brothers and sisters.

Therefore, when the second goal of life is placed ahead of the first, it is literally like trying to put the cart before the horse. Because nothing will work correctly without love, since we are beings created for love. We are, literally, spiritual love machines. Love is what makes us work. Nothing else. And lack of love is like trying to run a car on kerosene. It may go, but it's not going to go right.

So, all of these teachings are telling you truths... so you know that they are correct. That is why they sound so correct, because they are. But they are also missing the one key vital ingredient that makes everything else work.

Therefore, I say, to anyone who will listen... Go for Love!! with God!! And with people!! It is the most worthwhile goal!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

How to repent for real

Romans something states that "it is the kindness of God that leads men to repentance."

This is true. You cannot properly repent unless you know how kind and good and loving God is. Otherwise your "repentance" will be full of all kinds of other sin anyway, like fear, and mistrust, which can lead to insincerity, and dishonesty.

David knew how to repent so well because he was so in love with God, the one whom he was repenting to.

Repentance, like everything else of God, works only through love.