Thursday, February 21, 2008

A little poetry, perhaps??

Poetry is cool, like this one here, all the things I want to stay, falling on your ear.

You don't know just where it comes from, and you can't remember exactly when it got here, but all you know is, all of a sudden, you're extremely happy!

Happy happy happy, happy happy happy!

Happiness is cool, and happiness is fun, I feel mighty happy, when I'm lying in the sun. And it's warm. And I like it a lot.

just like my dog, who's as content as can be, snoozing in the sunshine. Drinking some old wine.

ok dogs don't drink wine, but you get the point. Back to the poem.

Happiness is great, and happiness is swell, I know that somewhere a proverbial tree went down in the forest, and i heard it when it fell.

now I know thee answer, to all life's mysteries, cuz for I know that a tree makes sound, when falling fast and freee. In the forest. On a rainy day in September. In the morning.

So all you know is that you're happy, and you're just not sure why... All that you can figure, is that someone met you in the sky.

1 comment:

Clarice said...

Hey Jesse!

I'm sorry for the delayed response; I guess I'm shy with this stuff. Thanks so much for reading my blog and for your lovely comments - they are much appreciated. Your blog is great. You are an inspiring writer who gives out a lot of hope - something that is much needed in the world. That's all for now! Take care.