Saturday, August 16, 2008

More on my favorite verse out of Romans

I love this verse. Romans 1:20 "what can be known about God can be seen in what is made." Every time I see a neat little quirk of human nature, (that is the same to us all), I smile as I see another aspect of God's beautiful nature. For instance, was talking to a friend today, and we were discussing how you can't force people to do anything, and that whenever you try, they respond by pushing back just as hard. It's just natural. The more you try to force people to do anything, the more they are going to push back just as hard to say no. Which tells us something about God. Namely, that He is just like that. Free, and never willing to give up His freedom! Which, of course flies in the face of religion, which tells you that you must give up your freedom when you come to God. :) :} :]

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