Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Phenomenon of Loneliness

Ever experience true loneliness? I don't mean that general ache that most of us feel from time to time that comes from living in this world. I mean the real thing. Like you feel when you come home to an empty house that is usually full. And the full force of actually being by yourself with nobody else around hits you right in your heart. It is not a pleasant experience. And, of course, I'm sure you all know by now where I'm going with this. We are not meant to be alone.

We operate best in relationship. And, of course, since we are made in the image of God, this means that He doesn't like to be alone either.

I hear people teach all the time that God doesn't need us, that God can do what He wants to do without us, God will find somebody else, etc. etc. etc. Like He cares more about getting what He wants done than He does about us, which is simply not true.

So, if God doesn't need us, then why would He go through so much effort to reach us and have a relationship with us?

I think, again, that there are too many people out there saying things that they've heard somewhere in the annals of churchdom and believing that they are true of the nature if God, instead of being responsible for their own relationship with Him so that they could hear some truth that might actually help someone or encourage someone.

God feels loneliness. And the only antidote for His loneliness is YOU.

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