Wednesday, July 06, 2011

How DOES He do it???

Do what, you might ask. So glad you asked!!! Let me tell you. How, in all the whole wide, wide world of sports does God make so many different things out of the exact same ingredients???????

You know what I mean...or maybe you don't. Let me enlighten you, Padwan Learner. Have you ever noticed that God takes the exact same ingredients of the physical world and makes them into something different every day??? The same sky, the same moisture in the sky, the same sun, the same mountains. the same plants, the same animals, the same clouds, the same places that we have lived for hundreds and hundreds of years, and yet He combines them in such infinitely diverse ways that not two days are exactly alike??????? How DOES He do it??????

And, analogically speaking, how in the wide wide world of sportsmanlike conduct does He take the same ingredients that make up our lives and make each day a new wonder???? The same identity, the same body, the same eyes, the same ears, the same smells, the same sights, the same sounds, the same people, the same places, and very often the same events, similar feelings, thoughts, and emotions...and yet each day is absolutely and peculiarly diverse.!

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